Welcome to the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering at G. B Pant Engineering College, Pauri-Garhwal (Uttarakhand). The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering is proud to be first department of the college established in 1991 to offer Bachelor’s degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering with initial intake of 20 students. Presently, B. Tech. degree program has an intake of 60 students. The Department started Master’s degree program in Digital Signal Processing in 2005 with intake of 10 students. The PhD program has been offered since 2013 in the field of solid state devices, and microstrip antenna. The department, since its inception, has kept itself well abreast with the ever-changing demands of the industry and the technological developments.
The Department has highly qualified as well as young and dynamic faculty involved in research activities to provide quality education. In addition to this, the department also provides facilities to students in terms of expert lectures from guest professors, video courses and dynamic curriculum with emphasis on emerging areas through a variety of elective courses, seminars and project. The syllabi of the courses are continuously updated and the laboratories modernized to reflect the rapid changes in technology. With excellent labs and classrooms facilities, knowledge of able faculty, challenging and interesting course-work, integrating hands-on practical and research experience are motivating faculty and students for new innovations. Such technological strengths and pollution free peaceful environment of the Shivalik range of Himaliya, has provided unmatched opportunities for research, education, and service to society. It is really a great time to be a part of Electronics & Communication Engineering where electronics play a major role in daily life with advance communication technology.
Contact Information
Head, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
G. B. Pant Institute of Engineering and Technology, Pauri Garhwal -
To become a center of excellence offering high quality education and research in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
- To provide best facilities, infrastructure and conducive environment to the students, researchers and faculty members for high quality education and research in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
- To adopt the best pedagogical methods in order to maximize knowledge transfer.
- To have adequate mechanisms to enhance understanding of implementation of theoretical concepts in practical scenarios.
- To enable students to develop skills for solving complex technological problems for societal needs.
- To inculcate creative thinking, ethics, learning attitude, communication skills, leadership and teamwork qualities among the students.
- To impart the graduates a sound technical knowledge and skills in mathematics, engineering sciences and core subjects of Electronics & Communication Engineering.
- To develop the educational foundation of graduates that prepares them for professional career/higher studies in the field of Electronics & Communication Engineering.
- To aspire the graduates to be innovative and passionate about the rapid changes in tools and technology in the field of Electronics & Communication Engineering.
- To inculcate leadership qualities and communication skills in the graduates to work efficiently with diverse teams, promote and practice ethical and societal values.
- To develop life-long learning ability in the graduates to work in collaborative and multi-disciplinary environment.
- Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and electronics and communication engineering to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- Indentify, formulate, research literature, and analyse complex electronics and communication engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
- Design solutions for complex electronics and communication engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern electronics and communication engineering tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional electronics and communication engineering practice.
- Understand the impact of the professional electronics and communication engineering solutions in societal and environmental context, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
- Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the electronics and communication engineering practice.
- Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- Communicate effectively on complex electronics and communication engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the electronics and communication engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Recognise the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
- Ability to design and analyze different electronic circuits and systems using modern CAD tools.
- Demonstrate aptitude in the design of RF antenna and communication systems using modern software and hardware tools.
Curricula and Syllabi
Academic Timetable
B. Tech. First Year
- Download B. Tech. First Year Time Table 2022-23 (Even Semester)
- Download B. Tech. First Year Time Table 2022-23 (Odd Semester)
M. Tech. Second Year
- Download M. Tech. IIIrd Semester Time Table 2022-23
Department Faculty
Head of Department

Appointment Type: Regular
Date of Joining: 20/04/2019
- Ph.D, M.Tech, AMIE, M.Phil, M.Sc/ University Diploma
Area of Interest: Robust, Intelligent Control system, Artificial neural network, Fuzzy logic, Advance Measurement &Instrumentation, Process Automation, PLC, DCS, Modeling & Simulation
- 7454978995
- rajtisotra@gmail.com
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- Professor
- Appointment Type: Regular
- Date of Joining: 28-02-1992
- Ph.D (IIT Delhi)
Area of Interest: Development, Modeling and Simulation of Semiconductor Devices
- ysinghgbpec@gmail.com
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- Professor
- Appointment Type: Regular
- Date of Joining: 12-06-2000
- Ph.D (IIT BHU, Varanasi)
Area of Interest: Design and analysis of Microstrip Antenna, DGS Microstrip antennas, Ultra wide bandwidth (UWB) antennas, and Reconfigurable Antennas, Circularly Polarized antenna, MIMO antenna
- 8750954858
- gautam1575@yahoo.co.in
View Full Profile

- Professor
- Appointment Type: Regular
- Date of Joining: 01-12-2001
Ph.D (University Gent, Belgium), M.Tech (IIT Kanpur/TU Berlin, Germany)
- Area of Interest: Communications, Organic Electronics, Opto-Electroics
- 9410563544
- naithani.iitk@gmail.com
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Associate Professor

Associate Professor
Appointment Type: Regular
Date of Joining: 29-11-2001
- M.Tech, Ph.D.
Area of Interest: Fabrication and Characterization of Thin Films.
- 9410323549
- drmkaggarwal@tsece.edu.in
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- Associate Professor
- Appointment Type: Regular
- Date of Joining: 21-05-2019
- Ph.D, M.Tech, B.Tech
- Area of Interest: Optical-OFDM, Antenna design, Nano materials
97798 09586
- kamalbhatia.er@gmail.com
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Associate Professor
Appointment Type: Regular
Date of Joining: 30-12-2009
Ph.D(IIT BHU), M.Tech., B. Tech.
Area of Interest: Digital Signal Processing, Digital Image Processing, Medical Imaging
- 7895664758
- rbyiitbhu@gmail.com
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Associate Professor ( On Lien)
Appointment Type: Regular
Date of Joining: 16-01-2010
- M.Tech (BITS Pilani),Ph.D (IIT-BHU,Varanasi)
Area of Interest: Semiconductor Device Modelling, Nanoscale FETs for CMOS applications
- balraj.bits@gmail.com
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Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor
- Appointment Type: Regular
- Date of Joining: 18-01-2010
M.Tech(Bioelectronics), Ph.D
Area of Interest: Multirate Signal Processing, Filter and Filter Bank Design, Bio-Medical Image Processing, ECG Signal Processing and Analysis, Biomedical signal processing
- 9897485705
- manoj.electro@gmail.com
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- Assistant Professor
- Appointment Type: Regular
- Date of Joining: 01-10-2011
- M.Tech, Ph.D. (Pursuing)
Area of Interest: Electronics Engineering
- 9897557262
- vmkotwal@tsece.edu.in
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Assistant Professor
Appointment Type: Regular
Date of Joining: 20/04/2019
- M-Tech(DSP), Ph.D.
Area of Interest: Antenna, Optical Fibre Communication, Wireless Communication
- 7500015922
- ajaygbpec.ec@gmail.com
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- Assistant Professor
- Appointment Type: Regular
- Date of Joining: 22/04/2019
- M. TECH., Ph.D.
- Area of Interest: Solid State Devices
- 9411751826
- sandy.ec@gmail.com
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- Assistant Professor
- Appointment Type: Regular
- Date of Joining: 20/04/2019
- Ph.D, M.Tech(IIIT)
Area of Interest: Devices and circuits for next generation computing architecture
- 9557331937
- arverma@tsece.edu.in
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- Assistant Professor
- Appointment Type: Regular
- Date of Joining: 22/04/2019
M. TECH., Ph.D. (P)
- Area of Interest: Solid State Devices
- 8527069548
- pushkarcdac11@gmail.com
- View Full Profile

- Assistant Professor (On Study Leave)
- Appointment Type: Regular
- Date of Joining: 02-05-2019
M. TECH., Ph.D. (P)
- Area of Interest: Solid State Devices
- 9997059553
- srana231@gmail.com
- View Full Profile

- Assistant Professor (On Study Leave)
- Appointment Type: Regular
- Date of Joining: 02-12-2019
- M. TECH.
Area of Interest: Reconfigurable Antennas, Microwave Devices, Microstrip Antennas, MIMO Antennas
- rishiraj.singh@gbpec.ac.in
- View Full Profile
Laboratory Facilities
Basic Electronics Lab
Basic Electronics Engineering Lab [ECP-001]
- To determine and Plot V-I characteristics of P-N junction in both forward bias and reverse bias.
- To determine and plot the wave shapes of a clipping and clamping circuits.
- To determine the ripple in output of a half wave and a full wave rectifier at different loads.
- To determine and plot V-I characteristics of Zener diode in both forward bias and reverse bias.
- To determine input and output characteristics of an NPN & PNP bipolar junction transistor in common emitter and common base mode.
- To determine and plot input and output characteristics of a Field Effect Transistor.
- To determine and plot input and output characteristics of a Metel-Oxide semiconductor field effect transistor.
- To determine and plot the frequency response of an amplifier.
- Realization and verification of truth table of various logic gates.
- Realization and verification of the basic logic gates using NAND and NOR gates.
Course Outcomes
- Students will be able to understand the physics, operation and terminal behavior of basic electronics devices.
- Students will be able to design the biasing circuits of electronics devices.
- Students will be able to design and analyze the basic electronic circuits.
- This course is prerequisite of other courses at second and third year levels.
- After studying this course, students will be competent enough to understand the fundamental operation of basic electronics devices and their circuit applications.
- This course knowledge is going to help the students in solving engineering problems related to electronics circuits.
Advance Communication Lab
Advanced Communication Laboratory covers design and verification of modern communication systems that operate in MHz-THz range. The main objective of advanced communication laboratory is to design and develop RF/antenna modules, modulation schemes, parametric characterization of wireless modules, software defined radio applications, different wireless standards and work on research problems and innovative the components.
This lab consists of various microwave benches, microwave components (isolators, circulators, E-plane tee, H-plane tee), horn antenna, different kits to study the modulation behavior of different analog and digital modulation techniques. The microwave bench setup which consists of X band frequency range of microwave components for carrying mode characteristics, V-I characteristics of microwave passive and active devices. In addition to this the lab uses optical bench setup which consists of advanced optical fiber trainer kits for determination of numerical aperture and losses of fiber.
In advanced communication engineering lab students can learn the concepts of different analog and digital modulation schemes of communication, study the behavior of different modulator and demodulator circuits, RF and microwave components, analyzing the characteristics of waveguide and antennas. Students can also work on projects such as designing of microstrip antenna, communication module and transceiver circuits.
- Analysis and measurement of 16-ary QAM and ASK modulation scheme.
- Analysis and measurement of FSK and QPSK, modulation scheme.
- Analysis and measurement of DPSK and BPSK modulation scheme.
- Analysis and measurement of QPSK and DBPSK modulation scheme.
- Analysis of wide band and narrow band modulation/demodulation.
- Setting up Fiber Optic Analog Link and Digital Link.
- Analysis of intensity modulation technique using analog input signal and digital input signal.
- Analysis of (i) Propagation loss (ii) Bending loss in optical fiber.
- Measurement of optical power using optical power meter at 660 nm & 950 nm.
- Measurement of propagation loss in optical fiber using power meter.
- Measurement of numerical aperture of an optical fiber.
- Analysis of direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) based modulation and demodulation technique.
- Analysis of CDMA-DSSS technique in a two users/two channels environment.
- Students will be able to implement various modulation techniques using modern tool such as MATLAB and Software Defined Radio.
- Students will be able to design and implement the experiments related to RF communication link and optical communication
- Students will be able to design the experiments, analyse and interpret the data.
- Students will acquire skills of team work, technical communication and effective report writing.
- Students will be capable of solving practical communication engineering problems.
Analog Circuits Lab
- To determine voltage-gain output impedance and output power of a Darlington pair compound amplifier.
- To determine “h” parameters of a PNP transistor in common emitter mode.
- To determine the frequency response of an IFT amplifier.
- To determine voltage-gain and plot the frequency response of a FET amplifier in common source mode.
- To study the effect of negative feedback on voltage gain & bandwidth in a two-stage amplifier.
- To determine frequency of a Hartley Oscillator circuit with change in the capacitor of the tank circuit.
- To determine frequency and wave shape of a Colpitts oscillator circuit.
- To determine frequency and wave shape of a crystal oscillator circuit.
- To determine frequency and wave shape of a phase shift oscillator circuit.
- To determine voltage-gain and plot the frequency response of a single stage, two stage RC coupled and direct coupled amplifiers.
- To design and verify the op-amp working as:
- Unity Gain amplifier.
- Inverting amplifier.
- Non-Inverting amplifier.
- Design & test Integrator and Differentiator using operational amplifier.
- Students will be able to design and test the performance characteristics of different amplifier circuits.
- Students will be able to design and test the performance of different oscillator circuits.
- Students will be able to design the experiments, analysis and interpretation of data.
- Students will acquire skills of team work, technical communication and effective report writing.
- Students will be capable of solving practical electronic circuit problems.
Analog Electronics Circuits Lab
- To design and verify various biasing techniques for BJTs.
- To determine voltage-gain, output impedance and output power of a Darlington pair compound amplifier.
- To determine “h” parameters of a PNP transistor in common emitter mode.
- To determine the frequency response of an IFT amplifier.
- To determine voltage-gain and plot the frequency response of a FET amplifier in common source mode.
- To study the effect of negative feedback on voltage gain & bandwidth in a two-stage amplifier.
- To determine frequency of a Hartley Oscillator circuit with change in the capacitor of the tank circuit.
- To determine frequency and wave shape of a Colpitt’s oscillator circuit.
- To determine frequency and wave shape of a crystal oscillator circuit.
- To determine frequency and wave shape of a phase shift oscillator circuit.
- To determine voltage-gain and plot the frequency response of a single stage, two stage RC coupled and direct coupled amplifiers.
- Design and implementation of nonlinear oscillator (vander pol, doffing etc.)
- Students will be able to plot characteristics of various electronics devices.
- Students will be able to implement of various logic gates and verify their truth-tables.
- Students will be able to perform experiments, analyze and interpretation of data.
- Students will improve skills of team work, technical communication and report writing.
- Students will be capable to solving practical related to basic electronic circuits.
Circuit Simulation Lab
In this laboratory, students are expected to demonstrate their ingenuity and comprehension of the subject matter by means of software-based programming. This laboratory experience is designed to help students grasp the fundamental concepts and methods employed in digital electronic circuits and systems. The primary objective of this laboratory is to enhance the theoretical aspects of digital logic design and analog circuit design by providing a comprehensive introduction to combinatorial and sequential logic circuits, including logic gates, adders amplifiers and modulation techniques.
The laboratory is furnished with 20 PCs, equipped with licensed software such as MATLAB and MultiSim for simulation purposes. Additionally, high-speed internet connectivity are available in the laboratory for conducting value-added courses or video tutorials.
Experiments based on Simulation and Implementation of Electronic Circuits:
- Design simulation and analysis of two input NAND and NOR gate.
- Design, simulation and analysis of NMOS and CMOS inverter.
- Design, simulation and analysis of full adder circuit.
- Design, simulation and analysis of push-pull amplifier.
- Design, Simulation and analysis of different amplifier.
- Design, Simulation and analysis of amplitude modulation using MATLAB.
- Design, Simulation and analysis of frequency modulation using MATLAB.
- Design, Simulation and analysis of phase modulation using MATLAB.
- Design, Simulation and analysis of ASK using MATLAB.
- Design, Simulation and analysis of FSK using MATLAB.
- Design, Simulation and analysis of PSK using MATLAB.
- Students will be able to simulate the electronic circuits using CAD tools.
- Students will be able to implement the electronic circuits on nano boards.
- Students will be able to perform the experiments, analyze and interpretation of data.
- Students will acquire skills of team work, technical communication and effective report writing.
- Students will be capable of solving practical engineering problems in the field of measurement and instrumentation.
Communication System Lab
- Design and testing of an amplitude modulator & demodulator circuit and determine the depth of modulation.
- Design and testing of a frequency modulator & demodulator circuit and determine the modulation index.
- Design and tracing the signals at various points of a PAM, PWM, PPM modulator and demodulator circuits.
- Design and tracing the signals at various points of a DSB-SC, SSB-SC modulator and demodulator circuits.
- Design and tracing the signals at various points of a Delta modulation & demodulation modulator and demodulator circuit.
- Implementation and verification of ASK, FSK, PSK modulation and demodulation techniques.
- Implementation and verification of the pulse code modulation and demodulation systems.
- Implementation and verification of delta modulation and demodulation techniques and observe the effect of slope overload.
- Verification of communication signals between a TDM-PCM transmitter and receiver.
- Verification of analog signal transmission using sampling & reconstruction Transceiver.
- Implementation and verification of delta sigma modulation & demodulation techniques.
- Students will be able to design and test different modulation and demodulation schemes of analog communication.
- Students will be able to implement various digital modulation techniques using hardware circuits. Students will be able to design the experiments, analyse and interpret the measured data.
- Students will acquire skills of teamwork, technical communication and report writing.
- Students will be capable of solving practical communication engineering problems.
RF Engineering Lab
- Verification of characteristics of the reflex klystron tube and determine its electronic tuning range.
- Measurement of frequency and wavelength for a rectangular waveguide working on TE10 mode.
- To determine standing wave ratio and coefficient of rectangular wave-guide.
- To verify the following characteristics of Gunn Diode: (a) V-I characteristics. (b) Output power and frequency as a function of voltage. (c) Square wave modulation through PIN diode.
- To measure the polar pattern and the gain of wave guide horn antenna.
- Verification of the function of multi-hole directional coupler using the following parameters: (a) Main line and auxiliary line VSWR. (b) Coupling factor &directivity of the coupler.
- Determine S-parameters of magic Tee terminated by matched load.
- Verify working principle of the Isolator.
- Verify working principle of the Circulators.
- Verify working principle of Attenuators (Fixed and variable type).
- Verify working principle of the Phase shifter.
- Experiments based on Microstrip antenna design, simulation and fabrication.
- Students will be able to measure the different characteristics and parameters of various electromagnetic components using standard microwave bench.
- Students will be able to characterize the performance parameters of wave guides and antennas.
- Students will be able to design the electromagnetic experiments, analyze and interpretation of data.
- Students will acquire skills of teamwork, technical communication and effective report writing.
- Students will be capable of solving practical engineering problems related to electromagnetic waves.
Electronics Measurement & Instrumentation Lab
- To design and verify the op-amp working as:
- Unity Gain amplifier.
- Inverting amplifier.
- Non-Inverting amplifier.
- Design & test a difference amplifier using operational amplifier.
- Design & test Integrator and Differentiator using operational amplifier.
- Design an active second order low pass filter using operational amplifier & plot the Frequency response characteristics.
- Design an active second order high pass filter using operational amplifier and plot the frequency response characteristics.
- Design and test a square wave generator using operational amplifier.
- Design and test a triangular wave generator using operational amplifier.
- Design and test a mono stable multivibrator using Timer IC 555.
- Design and test an Astable multivibrator using Timer IC 555.
- Design and test IC voltage regulator circuits using ICs 723/7805/7905.
- Determine the locking and capture range of a PLL IC 565.
- Students will be able to simulate the electronic circuits using Op-amp.
- Students will be able to implement the filters using Op-amp.
- Students will be able to design and implement multivibrator circuits using Timer IC 555.
- Students will acquire skills of teamwork, technical communication and effective report writing.
- Students will be capable of solving practical engineering problems in the field of integrated circuits
Integrated Circuits Lab
- To design and verify the op-amp working as:
- Unity Gain amplifier.
- Inverting amplifier.
- Non-Inverting amplifier.
- Design & test a difference amplifier using operational amplifier.
- Design & test Integrator and Differentiator using operational amplifier.
- Design an active second order low pass filter using operational amplifier & plot the Frequency response characteristics.
- Design an active second order high pass filter using operational amplifier and plot the frequency response characteristics.
- Design and test a square wave generator using operational amplifier.
- Design and test a triangular wave generator using operational amplifier.
- Design and test a mono stable multivibrator using Timer IC 555.
- Design and test an Astable multivibrator using Timer IC 555.
- Design and test IC voltage regulator circuits using ICs 723/7805/7905.
- Determine the locking and capture range of a PLL IC 565.
- Students will be able to simulate the electronic circuits using Op-amp.
- Students will be able to implement the filters using Op-amp.
- Students will be able to design and implement multivibrator circuits using Timer IC 555.
- Students will acquire skills of teamwork, technical communication and effective report writing.
Students will be capable of solving practical engineering problems in the field of integrated circuits
VLSI Circuit Design Lab
- To design and verify the op-amp working as:
- Unity Gain amplifier.
- Inverting amplifier.
- Non-Inverting amplifier.
- Design & test a difference amplifier using operational amplifier.
- Design & test Integrator and Differentiator using operational amplifier.
- Design an active second order low pass filter using operational amplifier & plot the Frequency response characteristics.
- Design an active second order high pass filter using operational amplifier and plot the frequency response characteristics.
- Design and test a square wave generator using operational amplifier.
- Design and test a triangular wave generator using operational amplifier.
- Design and test a mono stable multivibrator using Timer IC 555.
- Design and test an Astable multivibrator using Timer IC 555.
- Design and test IC voltage regulator circuits using ICs 723/7805/7905.
- Determine the locking and capture range of a PLL IC 565.
- Students will be able to simulate the electronic circuits using Op-amp.
- Students will be able to implement the filters using Op-amp.
- Students will be able to design and implement multivibrator circuits using Timer IC 555.
- Students will acquire skills of teamwork, technical communication and effective report writing.
- Students will be capable of solving practical engineering problems in the field of integrated circuits
Digital Electronics Lab
- To verify the De-Morgan’s theorems using NAND/NOR gates.
- To design the full adder and half adder using AND, OR and X-OR gates.
- To implement the logic circuits using decoder.
- To implement the logic circuits using multiplexer.
- To design parity generator and checker circuits.
- To design and implement RS FLIP-FLOP using basic latches.
- Realization and testing of basic logic gates using discrete components.
- Realization and testing of CMOS IC characteristics.
- Realization and testing of TTL IC characteristics.
- Realization and testing of RAM circuit using IC 7489.
- Realization and testing of Interfacing of CMOS-TTL and TTL-CMOS ICs.
- Students will be able to design and implement various digital logic circuits using
- Students will be able to design and implement analog and digital circuits using TCAD tools and on FPGA
- Students will be able to design the experiments, analyze and interpretation of data to achieve valid
- Students will acquire skills of team work, technical communication and effective report
- Students will be capable of solving practical digital electronics
Advance Simulation Lab
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Lab
A complete All-in-one DSP Lab solution focusing various levels of experimentation on Signal Processing, Image, Video and Audio Processing topics designed especially for UG and PG curriculum.
All-in-One DSP Lab Consist:
Deliverables | Description |
All-in-One DSP Lab | All-in-One DSP Lab consisting of : · All-in-One DSP Board for TMS320C6748 · USB JTAG Emulator · Power Supply · Cable Accessory Set · CCD Camera · All in One General Purpose Board · Daughter board for All in one General Purpose Board · GSM Module · Finger Print Module · RFID Module |
Specifications for All-in-One DSP Lab
Experiments of All-in-One DSP Lab | · Set of Five Educational practice boards featuring TMS320C6748 CPU operating on 5V DC supply with On board 256 MB Flash memory and 128 MB DDR2 RAM memory · Data Transfer Interface includes: On board DB9 connector for UART-1 interface, On board 3 pin header for UART-2 interface, On board USB TYPE B Connector for UART-2 interface for Debug Console, LED indication for USB connection for Debug Console, On board Reset Switch with LED indication, On board USB Type A Connector for USB host interface, On board micro USB Type A Connector for USB OTG interface, On board RJ45 connector for 10/100 Ethernet interface, On board I2C based Temperature sensor, On board I2C based RTC interface, On board SPI based micro SD card interface, On board provision for SATA connector etc. · On board special functionality includes: Boot mode selection switch, On board Video in port available. VGA out connector,Provision for composite video out, Provision for Graphics LCD interface, audio jack and speaker (Mic in) interface, audio codec for speaker out, On board jumper selection to switch various video out options, LED to indicate power surge, LED to indicate high voltage input, excessive voltage protection circuit with LED indication, Various test points for various signals and jumper selection to switch UART2 between USB connector and 3 pin connector · Comprehensive Lab Solution for UG and PG curriculum. · Five unit of All in one General purpose board with it’s daughter board pcb which includes 8 LED, 16×2 character LCD, 2 digit 7-segment display, Switches includes 4 general purpose keys, 2X2 matrix keyboard, I2C based EEPROMs for protocol demonstration experiments, SPI based EEPROMs for protocol demonstration experiments, Stepper motor , DC Motor interface , Relay output , Facility to provide 2 channel ADC in put using potentiometer and unity gain amplifier for protection · One unit of RFID Module, Finger Print Sensor Module and GSM Modem Module · 10 units of USB powered JTAG Emulator – XDS100_V2
Signal & Audio Processing 1. Write a program to generate Audio loopback using pooling method. 2. Write a program to generate Audio loopback using interrupt method. 3. Write a program to generate loop back method by EDMA(Enhanced direct memory access) controller. 4. Write a program to generate delay interrupt. 5. Write a program to generate Echo effect(L138_echo_intr). 6. Write a program to generate flanging Effect . 7. Write a program to with Input Data Stored in a Buffer. 8. Write a program to generate sine wave using look up table. 9. Write a program to generate sine wave using function. 11. Write a program to generate Sweep sinusoid using Table with 8000 Points. 12. Write a program to generation of DTMF Tones using a Lookup Table. 13. Write a program to generate Square wave using look up Table 14. Write a program to generate Impulse response of reconstruction Filter. 15. Write a program to generate Frequency Response of DAC Reconstruction Filter using a Pseudorandom Binary Sequence. 16. Write a program to generate Step Response of AIC3106 Codec using Pseudorandom Noise. 17. Write a program for Step Response of AIC3106 Codec Anti aliasing Filter. 18. Write a program for Demonstration of AIC3106Codec Anti aliasing Filter. 19. Write a program to generate to Identification of AIC3106 Codec bandwidth using an Adaptive Filter. 20. Write a program to Identification of AIC3106 Codec bandwidth using two CPU Boards. 21. Write a program to generate Ramp wave. 22. Write a program to generate Amplitude Modulation by polling.
Finite Impulse Response Filter 1. Write a program to generate Moving average Filter. 2. Write a program to generate Moving Filter with Internally Generated Pseudorandom noise. 3. Write a program to generate Identification of the moving Average filter frequency Response Using a Second CPU Board. 4. Write a program to generate FIR filter implementation with a Pseudorandom Noise Sequence as Input. 5. Write a program to generate FIR filter with Moving Average, Low Pass, Band Stop, and Band Pass characteristics defined in separate coefficient files. 6. Write a program to generate FIR filter implementation with internally generated a Pseudorandom Noise Sequence as Input and output stored in memory. 7. Write a program to generate Effects on Voice or music using three FIR low pass filters. 8. Write a program to generate Implementation of four different filters: Low pass, High Pass, Band Pass and Band Stop. 9. Write a program to generate Two Notch filters to a corrupted speech Recording. 10. Write a program to generate Voice Scrambling using Filtering and Modulation. 11. Write a program to FIR Filter implemented using DMA based I/O. 12. Write a program to FIR Filter implemented using DSPLIB function. 13. Write a program to FIR Filter implemented using C Calling an ASM Function. 14. Write a program to FIR Filter implemented using C Calling a Faster ASM Function.
Infinite Impulse Response Filter 1. Write a program to implementation of an IIR filter Using cascade second order filter. 2. Write a program to implementation of an IIR filter Using cascade second order Transposed. 3. Write a program for Estimating the Frequency Response of an IIR filter using Pseudorandom Noise as Input. 4. Write a program for Estimating the Frequency Response of an IIR filter using Sequence of Impulses as Input. 5. Write a program for Fourth order Elliptic Low pass IIR Filter Designed Using fdatool. 6. Write a program for Band Pass Filter Design using fdatool. 7. Write a program to implementation of an IIR filter Using DSPLIB Function DSPF_sp_biquad(). 8. Write a program to Fixed Point Implementation of an IIR Filter. 9. Write a program to implementation of a Fourth Order IIR Filter Using AIC3106 Digital Effects Filter. 10. Write a program for Generation of a Sine Wave Using a Difference Equation. 11. Write a program to generation of DTMF Signal using Difference Equations. 12. Write a program for generation of a Swept Sinusoidal Using a Difference Equation. 13. Write a program for Sine generation using a Difference Equation with C Calling an ASM Function.
Fast Fourier Transform 1. Write a program for DFT of Sequence of Real Numbers with Outputs in the CCS Graphical Display Window and in MATLAB. 2. Write a program for Estimating Execution Times for DFT and FFT Functions. 3. Write a program to demonstrate the EDMA3 Memory Move. 4. Write a program for DFT of a signal in Real Time using a DFT Function with Pre calculated Twiddle Factors. 5. Write a program for FFT of a Real Time Input Signal using an FFT Function in C. 6. Write a program for FFT of a Real Time Input Signal using TI’s C-Callable Optimized Radix-2 FFT Function. 7. Write a program for FFT of a Real Time Input Signal using TI’s C-Callable Optimized DSPLIB FFT Function. 8. Write a program for demonstration of Fast Convolution. 9. Write a program for Real Time Fast Convolution. 10. Write a program for demonstration of Graphic Equalizer.
Adaptive Filters 1. Write a Program for demonstration of Adaptive Filter using C code. 2. Write a Program of Adaptive Filter for sinusoidal Noise Cancellation. 3. Write a Program of Adaptive Filter for sinusoidal Noise Cancellation using External Inputs. 4. Write a Program for Adaptive Filter for System Identification of a Fixed FIR Filter as an Unknown System. 5. Write a Program for Adaptive Filter for System Identification of a Fixed FIR Filter as an Unknown System with Weights of an Adaptive Filter Identification as a FIR Band Pass. 6. Write a Program for Adaptive Filter for System Identification of a Fixed IIR Filter as an Unknown System. 7. Write a Program for Adaptive FIR Filter for System Identification of System External to the board. 8. Write a Program Adaptive FIR Filter for System Identification of System External to the board Using DSPLIB Function. Image Processing 1. Write a program for Edge detection of the image using Sobel algorithm. 2. Write a program for Image Smoothing and Image Sharping using convolution functions. 4. Write a program for Image Thresholding using Image clipping. 5. Write a program for Image Thresholding using len2min different function. 6. Write a program for Image Thresholding using grt2max different function. 7. Write a program for Image Thresholding using negative function. 8. Write a program for Image Thresholding using black & white image generation. 9. Write a program for Image quantization. |
Advance Image/Video Processing Lab
The Advance Image/Video Processing lab uses the Embeded GPU platform to demonstrates working with multi core environment. This setup introduces the learner with open source graphic libraries for various applications related to image and video processing.
Advance Image/Video Processing Lab Consist:
Deliverables | Description |
Advance Image/Video Processing Lab | Advance Image/Video Processing Lab consisting of : · Advance Embedded GPU Board/s · HDMI Screen · USB Camera · USB Keyboard · USB Mouse |
Advance Image/Video Processing Lab Features | · Lab focuses on getting started with graphic libraries for advance image and video processing etc. · Pre-requisite lab solution for learners looking for advance computer graphics, virtual reality, Artificial Intelligence, advance robotics, Machine learning, deep learning, mobile computing, gaming etc. · Useful for inference of Deep Learning Model · Lab contains Advance GPU embedded platform from NVIDIA along with software tools, accessories and documentation |
Specifications for Advance Image/Video Processing Lab
Experiments of Advance Image/Video Processing Lab | · Embedded GPU Platform comprises of 6-core NVIDIA Carmel ARMv8 CPU, 384-core Volta GPU, 8GB LPDDR4, 16GB eMMC(optional), 2x 4kp30 H.264/H.265 encoder & 2x 4kp60 H.264/H.265 decoder, MIPI CSI-2 lanes,2x PCIe controllers, · Ports and Peripherals includes: 4x USB 3.1 A, USB 2.0 Micro B, 2x MIPI CSI-2, HDMI 2.0, Display Port 1.4, Gigabit Ethernet, M.2 Key-E with PCIe, M.2 Key-M NVMe with PCIe, Micro SD card slot, 2x I2C, 2x SPI, UART, I2S, GPIOs etc., · 128GB SSD along with pre-loaded Linux OS having tools like OpenCV, Open GL, Vulkan, Tensor Flow, Tensor RT, CUDA, NVidia Vison Works etc… · Eco System configured to work with GPU Board for Deep Learning Inference & Demonstrating the implementation of remote inference of a trained deep learning model on embedded board/platform · Eco System also configured to work with Advance Image/Video Processing applications · Eco System also configured to work with Advance vision application with various camera setup · 18” HDMI Display compatible with Inference/Deployment Embedded Platform · USB mouse & Keyboard 1. Getting Started With Computer Graphics (OpenGL) 2. Getting Started With Computer Vision (OpenCV) 3. High Performance Image/Video Processing (VisionWorks)
Note: Refer Annexure-1 for Detailed Exp. List |
Annexure -1: (Example list for Advance Image/Video Processing Lab) Getting Started With Computer Graphics – OpenGL
- Write a program to demonstrate generation of large number of slightly varying objects with bindless
- Write a program to demonstrate blooming effect on rendered surfaces making it
- Write a program to demonstrate access to GL textures using both reading and writing to
- Write a program to demonstrate particle expansion by accessing vertex shaders in
- Write a program to demonstrate water simulation by using compute
- Write a program to demonstrate use of vertex shaders to animate particles and write back result into vertex
- Write a program to demonstrate use of high performance and quality approximation of anti-aliasing.
- Write a program to demonstrate High Dynamic Range (HDR)
- Write a program to implement instancing to tessellate objects in real
- Write a program to implement instancing to accelerate drawing of simillar objects
- Write a program to demonstrate multi-pass filtering for motion blur of fast moving
- Write a program to demonstrate motion blur using 2D multi-pass
- Write a program to demonstrate large number of drawcalls overhead using openGL
- Write a program to implement openGL PSI(Pixel Shader Interlock) feature to blend
- Write a program to implement Path rendenring extension to draw 2D line art.
- Write a program to use path rendering and animate live cursive
- Write a program to implement HarfBuzz text shaping engine library for strings of
- Write a program to implement path rendering to draw text like spokes in a wheel with 3D effect.
- Write a program to implement conventional 3D graphic of Tiger using path
- Write a program to implement path rendering to wrap a artwork of Tiger with multiple paths and
- Write a program to implement optimization techniques to rendering process to improve app level CPU GPU
- Write a program to simulate a cloud of particles and render its shadow on model or floor
- Write a program to implement skinned meshes over bones in vertex shaders for smooth
- Write a program to demonstrate two methods of simulating soft
- Write a program to implement terrain engine by using hardware
- Write a program to implement Terrain using Texture Array for high
- Write a program to implement rendering of OIT (Order Independent Transparency) using weighted blendi
Getting Started With Computer Vision – OpenCV
- Write a program to display Hello
- Write a program to Read image apply sobel filter and display output
- Write a program to Read image apply sobel filter and display output
- Write a program to Read Video file and display
- Write a program to Read Video file apply sobel filter and write xvid video
- Write a program to capture image from USB Webcam, apply sobel filter to it and write to image
- Write a program to capture video from USB Webcam, apply sobel filter to it and write to xvid video
- Write a program to perform basic operation like resize over a
- Write a program to perform Simple Canny Edge filter over an
- Write a program to perform Canny Edge filter using blur technique to get desired
- Write a program to perform simple feature detection using OrbFeature Detector over a
- Write a program to perform optical flow over feature detection to track features and show the tracking over a
- Write a program to perform object detection by comparing unique points of a object to a video and find the
- Write a program to perform object detection and match unique descriptors of object with video and draw lines to show
- Write a program to perform object detection using matching with desired object and put a box around if the object is near to what is described.
- Write a program to perform Face detection using Cascade
- Write a program to perform Face detection using Cascade Classifier with
- Write a program to perform Face detection using alternate Cascade Classifier
- Write a program to perform Background and foreground segmentation using
- Write a program to perform Background and foreground segmentation using
- Write a program to perform laplace point edge detection using USB Webcam
- Write a program to perform Houghlines detection over a art image using both CPU and
- Write a program to perform grabcut segmentation over selected
High Performance Image/Video Processing – VisionWorks
- Write a program to detect feature points and track them using Lucas-Kanade
- Write a program to detect lines and circles using Hough
- Write a program for video stabilization using Lucas-Kanade method of feature
- Write a program to detect motion using Iterative Motion Estimation
- Write a program to take stereo input/video and do stereo matching to provide merged
- Write a program to do alpha blending between two images (use image mask) using interoperation between VisionWorks, OpenCV and
- Write a program to take video input from camera or video and display output using interoperation between VisionWorks and
- Write a program to take input video or camera input and display as it is to test I/O facilities and
- Write a program to track any rigid object using optical flow method and object can be selected real time by draging cursor using mouse or touch.
- Write a program to estimate 3D feature/structure using Vision Works SFM pipeline over 2D images/video.
Microprocessor Lab
Microprocessor kit-10, micro controller kit-02, CPU-05
Microstrip Antenna Design Lab
The antenna and measurement lab supports intermediate and advanced courses in Electromagnetics and Microwave Engineering. Students experiment with antenna and microwave circuit components. The antenna laboratories provide the necessary hardware & software support for training the students in the area of RF and Microwave Engineering. It offers design, analysis and simulation of various types of antenna to understand the basics of RF and microwave engineering, to boost the quality of engineering education, deepen understanding, and provide the necessary practical skills to young mind.
Course Description & Objectives:
The lab course will give practical exposure to students to understand the basic principles and advanced applications of antenna by learning characteristics of antenna. To gain practical hands-on experience, the students are exposed to various antenna designs. This lab is conducted for the undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. students.
S.NO. | Name of the Equipment |
1. | VNA |
2. | PCB prototype machine |
3. | Calibration kit |
4. | Anechoic chamber |
5. | Workstation with CST and HFSS |
- Introduction to Simulation software tools.
- Design a DGS antenna and determine its radiation pattern, reflection coefficient, VSWR
- Design a rectangular microstrip antenna and obtain its radiation characteristics using CST and HFSS simulator
- Design a Circular microstrip antenna and obtain its radiation characteristics using CST and HFSS simulator
- Design a MIMO antenna for a frequency of Sub-6 GHz and obtain its radiation pattern, reflection coefficient, VSWR.
- Design a CPW feed antenna and obtain its radiation pattern, reflection coefficient, VSWR.
- Fabrication of different types of antenna using PCB prototype machine
- Introduction to VNA.
- To measure the antenna parameters: S parameters , gain , directivity, radiation pattern, reflection coefficient, VSWR
After successful completion of the course, the student will be able to
- Design and Simulate antennas used in wireless communications for different frequency band and obtain radiation characteristics.
- Understand and analyze the radiation characteristics of different antennas.
- Design and measure antenna parameters of modern antenna using software tools.
- Interpret the antenna software simulation tools.
- Understand the different aspects of antenna simulation, fabrication, and its measurements.
Wireless Communication Lab
Solid State Devices Lab
Academic Activities
Event Organized
Webinar on “Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS)” held on 27th September 2022
Skill development Program on “Python Programming” for Women Empowering to Reduce the Gender Gap in IT and ITES sector in South Asia Region, organized by department of ECE, GBPIET Pauri, held from 15th – 17th and 22nd – 24th September 2022, Co-funded by the European Union.
AICTE Sponsored (ATAL) One week faculty development program “Recent trends in Optoelectronics & optical communications” organized by department of ECE, GBPIET, Pauri from 15th – 19th November 2021.
AICTE Sponsored (ATAL) one week faculty development program “Devices and Circuits for Next–Generation Computing Architectures” organized by department of ECE, GBPIET, Pauri, from 25th – 29th October 2021.
One week Faculty Development Program on “ICT Tools for Teaching” organized by department of ECE, GBPIET Pauri, on 14th – 18th December 2020.
Microsoft Certified four week Industrial Training Program on “Machine Learning using Python” organized by GBPIET Pauri, on 6th August – 6th September 2020.
AICTE Sponsored (ATAL) one week Faculty Development Program on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Using Python” organized by department of ECE & CSE, GBPIET Pauri, on 31th August– 4th September 2020.
Two week online Faculty Development Program on “Recent Research Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering” organized by department of ECE, GBPIET Pauri, on 18th – 28th August 2020.
Two week Industrial Training Program on “Current Industry Scenario” organized by department of ECE, GBPIET Pauri, on 29th July – 9th August 2020.
International Conference “SMART COM 2020” organized by GBPIET, Pauri on 26th – 27th June 2020.
Workshop on “Antenna: Design, Fabrication & Measurement Techniques” organized by department of ECE, GBPIET, Pauri Garhwal on 25th – 29th Nov 2019.
Short term course on “FPGA and Mentor Graphics tools” organized by department of ECE, GBPIET, Pauri Garhwal on 10th – 14th Oct 2019.