Biotechnology Department
Biotechnology Engineering at G B Pant Engineering College was founded as an academic unit during the academic session 2005-2006, and with the objective of integrating life sciences with engineering to develop cutting-edge technology through research, training and technical innovation. The department at the time of establishment offered only Masters in Biotechnology. The department started B. Tech program during the academic year 2010-2011 that provides a strong foundation in Biotechnology which can lead students to both industry as well as research/academia. The program spans over a period of four years divided into 8 semesters. It also offers a set of core multidisciplinary and specialized elective courses.
In addition, the department also runs M.Tech. Program in Biotechnology with an intake of 18 students. From the academic session 2013-2014 the college started offering Doctoral courses in the same field.
The department has highly qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty to provide both classroom teaching and practical instructions. Apart from fundamental research, the goals of the department are also targeted to meet the demands of the biotechnology based industries. The department has initiated efforts to establish advanced research laboratories in all the thrust areas.
Contact Information
Head, Department of Biotechnology
G. B. Pant Institute of Engineering and Technology, Pauri Garhwal -
To be a national hub of biotechnology, providing the right combination of research and development with dedication, transparency and creativity of truly academic research for developing better medical and healthcare facilities.
- Provide high quality education in Biotechnology for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
- To provide students with an understanding of subject specific knowledge as well as critical, analytical and flexible approach to problem solving in the field of biotechnology with enhanced practical and professional skills.
- Prepare students effectively for professional employment as well as doctoral studies in the field of biotechnology.
- Prepare students to deal and solve real life problems applying their technical knowledge and skills and provide proper medical and healthcare solutions for a healthy life.
- Preparation: To prepare the students to succeed in industry and to provide necessary platform to pursue higher studies, entrepreneurship and research keeping the pace with global standards.
Core Competency: To provide a strong foundation in applied biosciences to solve the problems in environmental, food, agriculture, biochemical and biomedical engineering.
Breadth: To train the students in application aspects of engineering through various laboratories, industrial trainings to comprehend, analyse, design novel products and provide solutions to the real life problems.
Professionalism: To inculcate professional and ethical attitude, effective communication skill, team work through activities like multi-disciplinary courses, seminars, group discussions, colloquia, etc.,
Learning Environment: To provide suitable academic ambiance and motivate the students for self-study and life-long learning.
- Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
- Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
- Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
- Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
- PSO1: Graduates will be able design, perform experiments, analyze and interpret data for investigating complex problems in biotechnology Engineering and related fields.
- PSO2: Graduates will be able to justify societal, health, safety and legal issues and understand his/her responsibilities in biotechnological engineering practices
Curricula and Syllabi
Academic Timetable
M. Tech. Second Year
- Download M. Tech. IIIrd Semester Time Table 2022-23
Department Faculty
Head of Department

- Professor
- Appointment Type: Regular
- Date of Joining: 24-01-2010
- Ph.D.
- Area of Interest: Environment Biotechnology, Medicinal Plant Biotechnology, Plant Biochemistry
- 8006913000
- View Full Profile
Associate Professor

Associate Professor
Appointment Type: Regular
Date of Joining: 01-02-2006
- Ph.D.
Area of Interest: Genetics, Molecular Breeding, Plant Biotechnology, Genomics, Genetic Engineering
- 9634794563
- View Full Profile

- Associate Professor
- Appointment Type: Contract
Date of Joining: 10-10-2011
Area of Interest: Microbiology, Fungal Biotechnology, Microbial Ecology, Environmental
- 9410704377
- View Full Profile
Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor
- Appointment Type: Regular
- Date of Joining: 24-12-2021
- Ph.D.
Area of Interest: Microbial metabolite production, anti-aging and developmental biology, Biomaterials, microfluidics
- 9589104247
- View Full Profile

- Assistant Professor
- Appointment Type: Guest Faculty
- Date of Joining: 11-07-2011
M.Tech (Biomedical Engg.)
Area of Interest: Biomaterials, Bioinformatics, Tissue Engg., Drug Delivery Systems
- 9415321021
- View Full Profile

Assistant Professor
Appointment Type: Guest Faculty
Date of Joining: 30-07-2012
Area of Interest: Genetic engineering, Bioprocess engineering, Bioreactor design and analysis, Downstream processing, Biostatics, Environmental science
- 9917764478
- View Full Profile

- Assistant Professor
Appointment Type: Guest Faculty
- Date of Joining: 01-08-2017
- M.Tech(Biotechnology)
- Area of Interest: Genetic Engineering, Molecular Biology, RDT
- 8979042533
- View Full Profile

- Assistant Professor
- Appointment Type: Guest Faculty
- Date of Joining: 01-02-2017
- M.Tech(Biotechnology)
Area of Interest: Microbiology, Immunology, Environmental Biotechnology
- 9759948706
- View Full Profile

- Assistant Professor
- Appointment Type: Guest Faculty
- Date of Joining: 17-11-2021
- Ph.D.
Area of Interest: Environmental Science and Engineering, Wastewater Treatment, Electrochemistry, Separation Processes, Biochemical Engineering, Modeling and Simulation
- 9456156110
- View Full Profile
Laboratory Facilities
Cell and Molecular Biology Lab
- BOD Incubator
- Gel Electrophoresis
- PCR System 9700
- Transilluminator
- Millipore
- Kjeldahl Distillation Unit
- Table-top Centrifuge
Microbiology Lab
- BOD Incubator
- Fume Hood
- Vortex
- ELISA Reader
- Digital pH Meter
- Spectrophotometer
- ELISA Micro plate Reader
- Weighing Balance
- Microprocessor Based pH Meter
- Oven
- Fermenter
- Rotary Flash Shaker
- Automated Cell Counter
- Microscopes
- Laminar Air Flow
Biochemistry lab
- Bacterial Incubator
- Cooling Microfuge
- Laminar Air Flow
- UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
- Vortex
- Water Bath Rectangular
- Hot Air Oven
- Table-top Centrifuge
- Magnetic Stirrer
- Vacuum Rotary Evaporator
Working lab
- All Glass Double Distillation Unit
- BOD Incubator
- Hot Air Oven
- Rotary Vacuum Evaporator
- Shaker Water Bath
- CO2 Incubator
- Orbital Shaking Incubator
- Muffle Furnace
- Microscope
Academic Activities
Event Organized
S. No. | Title | Name of Speaker | Date of event | Nature of activity |
1 | Singing Competition | —————— | 14th November, 2019 | Singing |
2 | Interactive Session with Alumni | Mr. Aayush Praveen sir | 30th October, 2019 | Educational |
3 | Graffiti Competition | ———————- | 1st December, 2019 | Graffiti Art |
4 | Tree Plantation Drive | ——————– | 15th June, 2020 | Plantation |
5 | International KALKRITI Art Competition | ———————- | 3 July to 15 August, 2020 | Poster Competition |
6 | Industrial Internship on “Current Practices in Pharma biotech” | Dr. Sandeep Shiromani & Mr. Amar Dhule | 17th to 28th august 2020 | Webinar |
7 | Workshop on “Campus to Career- Webinar Series for Graduates” | Multi-speakers | 19th to 23rd October 2020 | Webinar |
8 | Webinar on “Made in India COVID vaccines: India’s contribution to world” | Dr. Ashwini Kumar | February 28, 2022 | Webinar |
9 | Science Day celebration – • Online Poster Competition • Online Slogan Competition • Online Logo Competition |
—————– | February 28, 2022 | Poster/ Slogan/ Logo Competition |
10 | Webinar on “Laboratory Biosafety & Security” | Dr. Shraddha Chauhan | 24th July,2022 | Webinar |
11 | Webinar on “Lignin Valorization- Towards a Sustainable Future” | Dr. Piyush Parkhey | 25th May,2022 | Webinar |
12 | Webinar on “GC & its application in Food Research” | Dr. Batul Diwan | May 26, 2022 | Webinar |
13 | Tech Fest – • Meditation Session • Quiz Competition • Poster Presentation • Tech Advocate |
Baba Shri Gagai Nath Ji | May 28, 2022 | Meditation Session |
14 | Tree Plantation Drive | —————– | 5th June 2022 | Tree Plantation Drive |
15 | Webinar on “IPR Awareness Programme” | Mr. Subrat Sahu | August 24, 2022 | Webinar |
16 | Food Festival – “Rasyaan” • Poster Competitions • Food Fest • Musical Skit |
———————— | 23rd September 2022 | Food Festival |
17 | Rangoli Competition | ———————- | 15th March 2023 | Theme based art |
18 | Creative Photography: A Low Light Perspective | Mr. Virendra Adhikari | 25th and 26th March 2023
| Photography workshop |
Departmental Activity- Faculty Development Program
S. No. | Title | Date of event | Mode |
1 | TEQIP III sponsored one-week short term course on “Technological Innovations and Challenges in Biomedical Instrumentation”, | 23 November – 27 November, 2020 | Online |
2 | TEQIP III sponsored two-week online international faculty development program on “Bioinformatics, Big Data and Drug Discovery – Prospects & Challenges”, | September 14 – September 24, 2020 | Online |
Jitendra Parmar, Satyendra Singh Chouhan, Vaskar Raychoudhury, “A machine learning based framework to identify unseen classes in open-world text classification” , Information Processing and Management Volume :60 / 1-18 / 2023
P. K. Keserwani, M. C. Govil, E. S. Pilli , “An Effective NIDS Framework based on a Comprehensive Survey of Feature Optimization and Classification Techniques” , Neural Computing and Applications Volume :35 / 4993-5013 / 2023
Rahul Saxena, Spandan Pankaj Patil, Atul Kumar Verma, Mahipal Jadeja, Pranshu Vyas, Vikrant Bhateja, and Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, “An Efficient Bet-GCN Approach for Link Prediction” , International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI) Volume :8(1) / 38-52 / 2023
Soumya Ranjan Nayak, Deepak Ranjan Nayak, Utkarsh Sinha, Vaibhav Arora, Ram Bilas Pachori, “An Efficient Deep Learning Method for Detection of COVID-19 Infection using Chest X-ray Images” , Diagnostics Volume :13 / 00-00 / 2023
Jitendra Goyal, Mushtaq Ahmed, Dinesh Gopalani, Neelu Pandey, Faisal Ahmed, “An Efficient Fuzzy-Based Vaccine Distribution Using Blockchain Technology” , (Accepted)International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems Volume :13 / 12 / 2023
Atul Kumar Verma, Rahul Saxena, Mahipal Jadeja, Vikrant Bhateja and Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, “Bet-GAT: An Efficient Centrality based Graph Attention Model for Semi Supervised Node Classification” , Applied Sciences (Special Issue: Integrated Artificial Intelligence in Data Science) Volume :13 / / 2023
Gopal Behra and Neeta Nain, “Collaborative Filtering with Temporal Features for Movie Recommendation System” , Procedia Computer Science Volume :218 / 1366-1373 / 2023
Vijay Kumar Sharma, Namita Mittal, Ankit Vidyarthi, Deepak Gupta, “Exploring Web-based Translation Resources Applied to Hindi-English Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval” , ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing Volume :1 / 19 / 2023
“BLOCKCHAIN AND IOT BASED ELECTRONICS HEALTH RECORD DEVICE”, 1.Jitendra Goyal 2. Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed 3.Dr. Dinesh Gopalani 4.Dr. Aditi Sharma 5.Akash Yadav , Reg.No. 372608-001 [The Patent Office, Government of India] Awarded Dt.23-12-2022
“Trusted and secure configuration and validation of data for public IoT devices using block chain technology”, Dumka, Ankur; Ashok, Alaknanda; Sharma, Aditi; Sarkar, Achyuth; Kumar, Vivek; Kumar, Naresh; Bansal, Pravesh Kumar; Ahmed, Mushtaq and Baheti, Prashant Kumar , Reg.No. 2020103294 [IP Australia (Australian Govt.)] Patent Granted Dt.23-02-2020
” THE SMART GAIT ANALYZER”, Dr Rajesh kumar, Chandra Prakash, Dr Namita Mittal , Reg.No. .201711014157 [Govt. of India] Patent Granted Dt.21-04-2017
Research Projects
# | Project Investigator | Title of the project | Funding Agency | Amount (Lacs) | Duration |
1 | Dr. Ashish Kumar Tripathi | Automated Maze Leaf Disease and Weed Detection in Extreme Weather Conditions Using Deep Neural Networks. | Doremon Labs | 5.04 | 2023-2024 |
2 | Dr. Namita Mittal | Developing a user-friendly Chatbot system as an interface for information extraction in Natural language | ISRO- RACS, Department of Space | 25.30 | 2023-2026 |
3 | Dr. Arka Prokash Mazumdar | Scalable and Energy Aware Robust Recommendation Aggregation in IoT Trust Management | Data Security Council of India | 4.72 | 2023-2023 |