
Admission through JEE-MAIN (As per notification of Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development Proposed for session 2013-14):

The Institute has been admitting nearly 500 students to 7 undergraduate Bachelor of Technology programmes through All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE) till the session 2012-13. For session the 2013-14, admission to undergraduate courses will be through Joint Entrance Examination (JEE-Main)as per notification of Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development. CBSE will provide the administrative and logistic support for the conduct of JEE-Main examination.All Admissions are through State counselling conducted by Uttarakhand Technical University. Please visit for details of counselling.

The undergraduate courses are:

Branch NameNumber of SeatsAdmission Relate Enquiry
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering60 9760040668
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering(AI& ML)609760040668
B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering60 9410323549
B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering60 9897870171
B.Tech. Manufacturing Engineering60 9897870171
B.Tech. Electrical Engineering60 9411551952, 9760571994
B.Tech. Civil Engineering609415818055,  9827063045
B.Tech. Bio-Technology608006913000,8979042533
Admission through GATE:

The Institute admits nearly 70 students to 4 postgraduate Master of Technology programmes through GATE. Admission & Counseling for admission to M.Tech. course is processed by the College.

The postgraduate courses are:

Branch NameNumber of SeatsEligibility Criteria
BM.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering18Minimum 60% or equivalent grade in B.E. /B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engg /Electronics Engg. /Electrical Engg. /Instrumentation Engg. / Instrumentation & Control Engg/Computer Science & Engg/M. Sc.(Electronics).
M.Tech. Digital Signal Processing10Minimum 60% or equivalent grade in B.E. /B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engg /Electronics Engg. /Electrical Engg. /Instrumentation Engg. / Instrumentation & Control Engg/Computer Science & Engg/M. Sc.(Electronics).
M.Tech. Biotechnology25Minimum 60% or equivalent grade in B.E/ B. Tech. in Biotechnology/ Industrial Biotechnology/Biochemical Engg. /Biomedical Engg. or B. Pharma or B. V. Sc./Agriculture/ Home Science or MBBS or M. Sc. in Life Sciences/ Biotechnology/Biochemistry/ Microbiology/ Chemistry/ Genetics/ Bioinformatics/ Environment Science/Allied streams with suitable exposure to Biological aspects
M.Tech. Production Engineering18Minimum 60% or equivalent grade in B.E. /B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering/Production Engineering
Admission through UTUEE:

The Institute admits 60 students to a postgraduate Master of Computer Applications programmes through UTUEE examination conducted by Uttarakhand Technical University.

Admission through written exam and Interview conducted by college:

The Institute admits nearly 60 students to 5 doctorate programmes through written and interview exma conducted by college.

The undergraduate courses are:

Ph.D. Computer Science and EngineeringMobile Computing
Image Processing
Adhoc Networking
Ph.D. Electronics and Communication EngineeringSolid State Devices
Microstrip Antenna Design