Undergraduate Programs

Presently, the institute offers seven courses at Undergraduate(UG) level. The Institute has emerged as a fully residential leading Institution of the state offering undergraduate programmes in Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering, Civil Engineering and Biotechnology.

Academic information of undergraduate courses:

S.No.Title of ProgrammesDuration(years)Year of StartingAnnual intake(JEE-main seats)Total Strength
1B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering4199260255
2B. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)4202060255
3B.Tech. Electronics & Communication Engineering4199160255
4B.Tech. Electrical Engineering4199760255
5B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering4199760255
6B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing Engineering)4202060255
7B.Tech. Civil Engineering4200560255
8B.Tech. Biotechnology4201060255